LTE-enabled "smart" detergent tubes deliver video messages reminding Californians when it's the right time to run their laundry.
- DDB San Francisco
- Fabrication
- IoT
- Social
- Back-end
Project Overview
The Brief
Disrupt everyday energy-demanding activities and promote sustainable energy practices, including the benefit of doing laundry when clean energy is readily available.
Deliver custom designed, "smart" detergent products — which only open and release environmentally friendly washer pods outside the peak usage hours of 4-9pm — to actors and influencers across California.
Connected Cannisters
We engineered, fabricated and delivered time-sensitive "smart" canisters that trigger a Cameo integration.
If recipients tried to open them between 4-9pm, IoT sensors trigger a text message alert with special Cameo videos from Hollywood celebs, teaching Californians the best times to conserve energy with a serious, but playful, scolding.
We want to remind Californians that the power to choose cleaner energy sources and prevent damage to our environment is in their hands – or in their laundry.
We integrated LTE-enabled microprocessors with a magnetic switching system, using IoT cellular networks to connect the devices with our cloud-based tools and verify the availability of clean energy. Innovative, tamper-proof lid designs paired with the electronic components to secure the products and deliver this message in sustainable practices with each and every rinse cycle.
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